Historic web site preserved from 1995. See details.

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Simple Search Page

Search... | EINet Galaxy | Harvest Broker | Lycos | WebCrawler | Yahoo |
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Here are five simple searches to browse all the pages in the world...

EINet Galaxy

EINet Corporation, Austin, Texas
Formerly of MCC consortium; acquired by SunRiver Corporation April 1995

What you search: URL, Content, Inline Links

What you get: Title, Length

How many you get: 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, or 240 (Ranked)

--- Query Methods ---

  [x] Boolean AND     [x] Exact Word Match
  [x] Boolean OR      [ ] Case-Sensitive
  [x] Boolean NOT     [ ] Multi-Word Phrase

Harvest Broker

University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

What you search: URL, Title, Content, Inline Links

What you get: URL, Description or Title, Length, & More

How many you get: 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, or 1000 (Ranked)

--- Query Methods ---

  [x] Boolean AND     [x] Exact Word Match
  [x] Boolean OR      [x] Case-Sensitive
  [x] Boolean NOT     [x] Multi-Word Phrase


Lycos, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Formerly of Carnegie Mellon University; acquired by CMG Information Services, Inc. June 1995

What you search: Title, Content, Inline Links

What you get: URL, Title, Date, Length, Excerpt, & More

How many you get: 10 or any number (Ranked)

--- Query Methods ---

  [x] Boolean AND     [x] Exact Word Match
  [x] Boolean OR      [ ] Case-Sensitive
  [x] Boolean NOT     [ ] Multi-Word Phrase


Operated by America Online
Formerly of University of Washington, Seattle, WA; acquired by America Online April 1995

What you search: URL, Content

What you get: Title

How many you get: 10, 25, 100 or 500 (Ranked)

--- Query Methods ---

  [x] Boolean AND     [x] Exact Word Match
  [x] Boolean OR      [ ] Case-Sensitive
  [ ] Boolean NOT     [ ] Multi-Word Phrase


Yahoo, a private business
Formerly of Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; converted to business March 1995

What you search: URL, Title, Yahoo Description, Yahoo Category

What you get: Title, Yahoo Description, Yahoo Category

How many you get: 100, 200, 300 or ALL (Alphabetized by Yahoo Category)

--- Query Methods ---

  [x] Boolean AND     [x] Exact Word Match
  [x] Boolean OR      [x] Case-Sensitive
  [ ] Boolean NOT     [x] Multi-Word Phrase

This list is not meant to be complete; there are many excellent search tools on the Web, such as the AliWEB mirror site at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

For more sites, select any of the links above and query the word 'search'.
